Presentation Materials

Slide deck (filled with comments) from “Simplifying SQL Server Migrations using PowerShell”


Migrate an entire instance

In this video (sound coming later), I migrate a fully stocked instance to a rather empty one. Migration includes databases, logins, SQL Server agent, agent categories, alerts, audits, audit specifications, backup devices, central management servers, credentials, custom errors, database assemblies, database mail, data collector sets, endpoints, extended events, jobs, linked servers, operators, policy managements, proxy accounts, resource governor, server triggers, shared schedules, sp_configure and user objects in system databases.


Copy-SqlDatabase with GridView

This is one of my favorite demos. Migrate two databases by selecting them visually using PowerShell’s GridView.


Create login with a ton of properties, migrate

Migrate a a login with SID, password, server/database roles, server/database permission sets & securables, default database and login attributes. Updates job ownership. Works on SQL Server 2000 and above.



Another favorite demo. Ever inherited a SQL Server but not admin credentials? If you have Windows administrator access, you can add a Windows or SQL Login user as sysadmin.